How to know if your site needs a redesign or an update
This article is targeted to people who already have a web site since a year or few years ago, here I will try to help you to identify if you need to redesign or to update your site.
I know, I know sometimes is a headache when you have invested a lot of time creating your website to looks exactly how you want and after a few years you have to go through the same process again, but I can assure that if you want to keep your site relevant to users changes are mandatory.
If your site has more than 2 years of creation without any update or change is very possible that you need to improve it, the way of designing websites has changed radically in recent years taking a simpler approach on the elements that constitute a website but also for functionality issues and security, since at this time have become standard multiple new technologies and have come to light a lot of bug and security errors that if they remain in your site without being fixed may result in a serious commitment to the info of your customers.
For example if you have a blog, magazine or any communication platform, it has become almost indispensable to have some facility to log in to comment with the accounts of social networks like Facebook, Twitter or Google account facilitating and promoting the making of comments.
With this post I’m going to help you to identify key factors that indicate you need to do some work on your website. If you have 3 or more of these factors is almost sure it’s time to change some things.
Key factors that reveal that your page may be slightly outdated:
Not having a mobile version of your site or a responsive website.
This is something that has become essential in recent years, now the rule is that all sites have a version for mobile devices taking into account that 68 percent of the entire population now connects from their phones:
And now also Google Gives a boost to the mobile friendly websites vs non mobile friendly websites on mobile searches
Have a old or incomplete contact page.
If you have in your contact page only your basic information like phone, email, etc. using plain text without any kind of form or google maps embed it is a big problem.
Having a direct form in the contact area greatly simplifies the process to whom wants to send you an email, instead of having to copy your email and leave your site (never drive the users to leave your site) to go to their email provider to write and send you an email, with a form inside your page they just have to write directly what they want to tell you and click the submit button.
Lack of links to share the content on social networks or links to your social networks.
Here we are with social networks again and is that more than a theory is a fact (graph of evidence of why it is a fact) than having ways of sharing the Information or have links in social networks helps your company a lot because it shows that you are aware of the latest trends also helps more potential future customers or users to know more about you and how you express yourself in a more open medium as they are Social networks and so you know better.
Slow Website Loading.
Something that a few years ago did not seem so important but now it has become indispensable because of the increased use of mobile devices is the website loading times. It is important to have the css and js files minimized so the load of your website both in mobile and pc be an experience as pleasant as possible for your users.
Website SEO.
This is another point that has changed radically in the last years and is that although a few years ago when creating a site an important part were the keywords, have all imaginable variations of words that your users could search, currently keywords have minimal or no influence on the positioning of websites, search engines have raised the game level and now more complex solutions must be implemented.
Search Engines Optimization.
This is something that has also changed, a few years ago there was not a great concern of things such as friendly urls and load speeds, now it is essential to have friendly urls since it is known that search engines give preferences to urls that are clear and self descriptive on those that are only numbers or strange characters and symbols.
Leave us in the comments which of these points you found that should be improved on your website and if you have any other point or factor that you consider important to add.
If you have any doubts leave it in the comments, you can also contact us in case you need to improve or redesign your website. We are here to help you boost your business.
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